The public is invited to watch and participate in City Council meetings, which are held in the Fairfax City Hall Annex.
To watch the meeting, the public may:
- Attend the meeting in person
- Watch the meeting televised live and replayed on Channel 12, the city government access channel
- Watch the meeting livestreamed and archived on the city website.
Click here to watch Channel 12 live.
Click here for the meeting agenda and to watch the archived video.
Visit eComments to learn about — and provide feedback on — City Council agenda items.
Click here to review the full agenda, including staff reports.
You are invited to submit your comments using the following options:
- eComment until 7 p.m. on the day of the meeting
- email until the public hearing is closed
- Please include the following:
- The agenda item as your email subject
- Your full name and address (as you would if speaking in person)
- Speak in person at the City Council meeting during the public hearing.
All public comments received via email and eComment will be added to the meeting record file and forwarded as necessary.
The public also may address the City Council on any items not requiring a public hearing.
For additional information, please email or call 703-385-7935 during regular business hours.