Protect your community and adopt-a-hydrant
Fire hydrants are part of the suburban landscape and sometimes can be almost invisible to passers-by and those who live or work near them. The need to keep them clear remains vital year-round, but especially during winter months.
Winter storms often hide fire hydrants under a mountain of snow, making hydrants impossible to find quickly. In the event of a fire, firefighters have to locate and shovel out buried fire hydrants before hooking up to them, losing precious time that could have been spent saving lives and containing a fire on property.
Please don’t let your neighborhood hydrant remain “undercover” - by snow, leaves and other debris.
Helping the Fire Department - and your neighbors - by keeping the fire hydrant closest to your residence or business clear of snow, leaves, building debris and trash. Fire Department needs a 3-foot clearance on all sides.
When shoveling snow, please be aware of vehicle traffic. Do not stand in the street and be careful not to slip and fall out into the roadway. Also, please do not pile the snow in the roadway.
To adopt-a-hydrant, please do one of the following:
For promising to keep hydrant(s) snow- and debris-free, you will receive a hydrant adoption certificate along with the Fire Department's sincere thanks. Citizens and business or civic groups (civic associations, business associations, Boy or Girl Scouts, etc.) also may “adopt” neighborhood hydrants.